Turns out, I chickened out and took a taxi. It was $2, people. And it saved me from navigating the Sky Train and a bus and far too far on foot. I packed light, but not light enough to run a 5k with my backpack on. Who am I kidding...I'm not running a 5k regardless.
Khao San Road is madness. There are people of every nationality, fasst food restaurants, street food, and Paige, you would love the clothes. I bought a pretty fly pair of train pants (ok, they're pajama pants that you can wear during the day) and a long dress that I thought would be cute for temples, but turns out its an awkward length and I'm not sure if I can really pull it off. We'll see.
Khao San Road:
And again:
I remain a scout, however. I used my directions to make it from Khao San Road to my hostel, which is a couple of streets over. Its very nice. Emily, it's Nappark! I'd chosen and booked it even before you suggested it. I only made the faux pas of wearing my shoes inside one time (it's a Thai custom not to wear shoes inside.) I'm still getting used to this sleep schedule. I'm 12 hours ahead of the States, so it feels like I should be sleeping when I'm awake, and I'm wide awake when I want to fall asleep. Also, it's so hot here that it makes you lose all appetite. I've also consumed at least 8 bottles of water today. I guess it's about as hot as the hottest Georgia gets in the summer, it's just different when you're outside all day long in it. With no pool or ocean in sight.
Notice below that it's 84 degrees at 1:12am.
Now I'm just including more pictures for fun. Bangkok at night:
And at dawn:
Silly me, I thought I'd need to bring Biore strips with me:
Khao San Road at night; notice, it's still madness:
I became friends with a nice German boy from Nuremberg named Dominic who is also traveling alone. We discussed the pros and cons of traveling solo and also met three hilarious Thai students. They guessed I was 20. They also sang along, loudly, with Colby Caillet, even though their English wasn't great. They certainly knew all the words to that song.
Tomorrow is market day. Yes, I will probably buy too much and I'll be pissed off trying to fit it in my already heavy pack. But it's so cheap and colorful!
I'll keep you updated with all the crazy shit I find in the market.
Denise, I didn't go get a fish pedicure. Yet.
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Khao San Road
have fun and be careful! (mental note: *dominic*) you let us know who you're with at all times!